Friday, January 27, 2006

"Compliments on the New Year"

So I walked into church the Sunday after I arrived back from my travels over the holidays and went to greet those who were around (as usual). One of the guys from the church stood up, shook my hand and said "Compliments!" I wasn't exactly sure what he was talking about, I even thought maybe he just likes my skirt or something, so I just said "Thank you very much!" and continued on greeting. Not too long after that I heard many more people greeting each other saying the same thing and I finally clued in that that's what they say here the first time people see each other after the New Year has come. Now even at the end of the month, people I meet who I'm seeing for the first time since are still giving me compliments on the new year to which I now emphatically respond "Thank you, compliments to you as well!"


At 3:15 PM, Blogger Lauren said...

I laughed out loud. I love you and miss you girl!

At 1:49 PM, Blogger Casey said...

What's up? So great to see all of your pics and read your stories! Your pics are really good! You have quite the photo touch :) So glad to hear that you are doing well, and even better to know your blog so that I can keep in touch. You can view my blog if you want, but it's not really that special. I don't update it as often as I would like, and I don't have many pics. I only have a computer at work and when work is over I am ready to go home, so I don't do much work on the blog then. Well, keep in touch.


At 4:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

reem i just miss you so much...i'm so proud of everything that you're doing and you're an amazing cousin .. i seriously cannot wait for you to come back and just hug you forever. take care and i love youuuuuuu


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