Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Girl's club

Every Friday night while school is in session, we have a little meeting we like to call "girl's club." It's designed to be an outreach and an encouragement to students who are typically unchurched where we spend time discussing issues teenagers are facing...but from a Biblical perspective. Sometimes we play games, sometimes watch movies, but largely it's to provide a safe place for young girls to come and get some solid teaching. The group has grown considerably over the last few months and many have given their lives to Christ! But the Clines are leaving so we desperately need a new host home in order for the club to continue. Definately something to lift up.


At 4:59 AM, Blogger Landon and Stacy Preston said...

Hey Reema! I was just looking at Lauren's blog and then clicked on yours! It's good to hear from you! Just wanted to let you know I have thought about you often and I enjoyed reading through your blog. I'll have to keep more updated.
-stacy storey


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